Fast food consumption is a tradition in America. You shouldn’t perform it every day or even every week. McDonald’s continues to rule the fast-food world. Despite numerous attempts, no fast-food chain has been able to completely unseat McDonald’s from its enviable position.
McDonald’s has had to keep coming up with new ideas while still providing its customers with the Big Macs, cheeseburgers, french fries, and chicken McNuggets they have come to expect if they want to maintain their position as the number one fast food chain. Which dish on the McDonald’s menu is the most popular? Let’s find out.
#11: McGriddles Breakfast Sandwich

For those with the time, sitting down to a huge stack of pancakes is a luxury. But what about people who wake up hurriedly but still desire a healthy breakfast? To obtain a portable version, they proceed to McDonald’s.
This No. 10 top-selling item features bacon and eggs sandwiched between two pancakes stamped with the letter “M.” The eggs are slightly altered and frozen. But they are reminiscent of the real thing, which makes hungry breakfast seekers shrug and says, “Close enough.”
#10: Double Cheeseburger

McDonald’s discovered in 2002 that it’s acceptable to alter the standards if doing so increases consumer demand. This burger is the ninth most popular offering at Mickey D’s and has twice as much beef and cheese. McDonald’s avoided its first quarterly loss since 1965 in early 2003 thanks to the Dollar Menu, which included the Double Cheeseburger.
The dollar Double Cheeseburger was the top seller as sales soared. Of course, the Double Cheeseburger is now a little more expensive (about $1.69), thanks in part to the rising price of American cheese, but it’s still a big hit.
#9: Premium Salads

Although you might not think of McDonald’s when you think of healthy food, customers took notice when the restaurant chain improved its salad offerings in 2003. As time went on, McDonald’s stopped using iceberg lettuce altogether, switching to a new lettuce blend for the then-new Premium Salads.
The Premium Salad is now firmly seated in eighth place on this list thanks to salads like the Southwest Buttermilk Crispy Chicken and the Bacon Ranch.
#8: Chicken Nuggets/Select Strips

McDonald’s may be best known for its hamburgers and fries, but chicken continues to hold its own by taking the seventh spot on this list. Since 1980, when McDonald’s first offered its Chicken McNuggets, they have consistently been a top seller.
Conversely, Select Strips were eliminated from the menu in 2015, but the 2017 addition of Buttermilk Chicken Tenders allows chicken connoisseurs to still satisfy their cravings. In any case, the combined chicken products have generated enough sales to place seventh.
#7: Baked Apple Pie

Both of these things have some history. When the apple pie was first introduced, McDonald’s offered it in its “fried” form. McDonald’s switched from frying to baking over time in an effort to address the health concerns associated with fast food.
Despite the fact that it hasn’t significantly decreased apple pie sales, there are still lots of customers who want McDonald’s to bring back the apple pie in its original fried form.
They were originally referred to as Apple Dippers when they were first placed on the McDonald’s menu. They included a tiny jar of caramel dipping sauce. Once more, the dipping sauce was eliminated when McDonald’s started to offer a menu that was more healthful. Slices of apples are still being sold in large quantities.
#6: Apple Slices

Apples are a big deal for McDonald’s in both snacks and desserts. Due to its extremely low cost (99 cents! ), the baked apple pie, introduced in 1992, has gained some notoriety.) and its tasty recipe.
Contrary to popular belief, its ingredients are actually more natural. Choose the apple slices if you want an even healthier apple fix. The apple slices alone have assisted in pushing apple-related food to position six on this list. They were originally developed as Apple Dippers, a wholesome side for Happy Meals.
#5: Egg McMuffin

The first authentic breakfast item offered by a fast food restaurant will always be the Egg McMuffin.
The Egg McMuffin was created by fast food executive Herb Peterson as an attempt to reimagine the traditional breakfast dish Eggs Benedict as a sandwich. Poached egg, cheese, and Canadian bacon are all components of the fifth most popular McDonald’s sandwich of all time.
#4: Happy Meal

The world’s largest distributor of toys is McDonald’s, which might come as a surprise to you. What’s more surprising is that the idea is relatively new despite its success in marketing to children. Children’s meals in boxes weren’t available until 1979.
Despite being a relatively recent addition, Happy Meals have become a staple of the McDonald’s menu. The fourth most popular menu item in the restaurant’s history is these vibrant kids’ meals.
#3: Snack Wraps

Snack Wraps are designed specifically for eating on the go, which is what McDonald’s does best. Are not in the mood or have the time for a full meal? The ideal item from the McDonald’s menu is a snack wrap.
Choose from grilled, crispy, or buttermilk crispy chicken, then indulge. The third-best-selling item at McDonald’s is these take-out portions.
#2: Big Mac

You were aware that this one needed to be on the list. The specialty burger, which bears the franchise’s name and is surrounded by sesame-seed buns, comes in second place. The Big Mac’s enduring popularity is largely due to effective marketing.
The Grand Big Mac and the Mac Jr., two sandwiches that are larger and smaller than the Big Mac, respectively, have recently been introduced. As the McDonald’s website puts it, “there’s a Mac for any moment.”
#1: Mcdonald’s French Fries

We all knew this was going to be number one, and it isn’t even close. The entire world is aware that McDonald’s french fries are awesome. McDonald’s french fries are the restaurant chain’s top-selling dish, and they are a straightforward but classic dish. Around the world, they represent close to 75% of all sales. Impressive.